The School of Foreign Languages -

 Principal's Message

Dear Students,

The English Preparatory Programme, operating under the School of Foreign Languages, aims to help learners acquire the required language competency for studying in an English-medium instruction programme. Additionally, the programme contributes to the acquisition and development of required skills for academic research, as well as effective communication in the professional life in English.

Students who successfully complete the English Preparatory Programme become competent in using English effectively to the level of "independent user" as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

To achieve these goals, The School of Foreign Languages (SFOL) of Istanbul Gelisim University provides opportunities of e-learning such as online assignments, online assessment, online learning materials, as well as providing learning guidance from instructors online, all of which create endless learning opportunities for all learners.

Asst. Prof. Şahin Gök, PhD.